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Posts tagged “Close-up

Patterns In The Sand

The wind is a versatile artist. It shapes stones and sand.

Free flowing sand and seemingly solid dunes fascinate me, just as much as waves upon the sea do.

I can spend hours photographing dunes and sand with all the varying textures and patterns that emerge from a good sandstorm. I can wax lyrical for pages on this matter, but instead, I’ll just share a few close up shots from the desert. I tried to record the patterns in the sand so these images do not include wide desert landscape shots, instead they focus on up close ripples and wide sweeping sand only shots. The sun was high in the sky and shadows were short when I started, the light was way too harsh but within a few hours, the conditions changed to too dark and too many shadows. These images were taken between 2 pm and 6pm in Oman’s Wahiba Sands, I’ve avoided the bright sky to avoid taking flat, lifeless pictures but despite the heat and the sun, taking these rippled images, was pure pleasure. I did manage some lovely sunset shots, but we’ll save those for another day.

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If you like desert landscapes, look at these Nat Geo shots and check these out too. Personally, they’re among the best I’ve seen in a while.

I’d love to get some feedback of these pictures, so please do leave a comment.

PS: It’s the first time I’m using it, but I think I love this slideshow option by WordPress.